Week 2
This week... It was the first week of classes. All classes at AUBG meet only twice per week instead of three times per week, and there are no classes that start before 9 a.m. which is very nice. Three of my five courses are strictly online while one is hybrid and one is in person. Some of my professors aren't even in Bulgaria. There are professors teaching us from Lebanon, Russia, Ireland, and elsewhere across the world. I Learned... I am taking only one course relevant to my major because I wanted to use this semester to explore topics outside of computer science and mathematics. Besides Computer Architecture, I am taking Communication Media and Society, Civilizations at the Crossroads: The Bulgarian Case, Bulgarian Language and Culture, and Management in a Global Environment. This is the first time I've been eager to take a history course. On the first day of The Bulgarian Case, the professor asked us why we were taking the course. I responded that I had only ever been taugh...